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Terms and Conditions

As a guarantor, you have agreed hereby to guarantee the due performance of the obligation of the renter under this agreement if the renter default payment, damage the vehicle and use the car to commit any criminal activity, the guarantor shall be held liable if the renter abscond. 

1.          A fee of Gh¢50.00 to be paid to the driver who delivered the car to the renter.

2.          Renter will bear the cost of any damage made to the car. The owner must be informed if any

3.          Vehicle to be returned to the specified location within the date and time specified. There is no grace period on vehicle return. Any return after the indicated return time and date will be charged to the renter at the maximum daily rate. 

4.          Absolutely no refunds, except for a repeated Mechanical Failure.

5.          If the Vehicle will be taken outside the City owner must be informed because it comes with Different Charges.

6.          Renter takes care of fuel. Therefore, Car must be returned with the fuel gauge at the same level as it was rented.

7.          A day’s rental elapses up to midnight at 12 am. Time may be negotiated depending on the time car was rented.

8.          Owner must be given prior notice if Rental would be renewed.

9.          The rented vehicle shall be operated by the renter or any other person with a requisite qualification to operate the vehicle.

10.        The rented vehicle shall not be used to push, propel, or tow another vehicle, trailer, or other things.

11.        The rented vehicle shall not be used for any race or in any competition.

12.        The renter shall not operate the vehicle in a negligent manner (drunk).

13.        Reason for renting must be stated clearly. (eg. Funeral, wedding, etc).

14.        If the vehicle would be used for more than a week, it must be subject to checks weekly by the owner. 



